Going through a separation or divorce can be very difficult. No matter the reason, the situation can and often will turn your world upside down.
As a retired divorce paralegal, I know how draining a divorce can be. While going through this life-changing event, we find ourselves in the worst emotional state. Many people expect sympathy from their attorneys and the legal explanation/talk/advice seems not enough to calm their mental and emotional anguish.
According to experts, the effects of divorce are 40% legal and 60% emotional. Many clients have a lot to say about their “soon-to-be ex” and use their legal meetings to vent, unconsciously adding a lot of billable hours to their legal fees. This happens when you don’t know the difference between emotional venting and information that could be useful for your case.
During the process, clients are experiencing something new and have questions, and even if the questions are not related to the legal aspect of the divorce, they think their attorney will have answers. Attorneys, on the other hand, are strategic and practical, so even when they offer outstanding legal advice, clients don’t experience emotional relief.
As a divorce coach, my job is to take care of that 60% emotional aspect of the process. Also to guide, inform, listen, and provide you with all the tools you will need to heal and achieve a peaceful divorce.
On the personal side, I have also been there, twice! I know what you are going through. I know about the fears, the uncertainty and how scary is to walk towards the unknown alone. Luckily you don’t have to! Allow me to walk with you and shed some light into your new path.
I will be happy to help!
Yanira Mendoza | Divorce Coach