Houston author and poet Lluvonia Graham recently appeared on Houston City Beat's "Let's Talk" with Lisbet Newton to discuss her new book, Love Spell, and the important themes it explores. The conversation delved into the often-complex relationship between sensuality and sexuality, particularly for women, and how societal pressures can negatively impact self-perception.
Graham and Newton tackled the ways in which sexuality is sometimes weaponized against women, leading to feelings of shame or inadequacy. Graham passionately shared her desire to empower young people, encouraging them to cultivate a positive self-image and resist being defined by external perceptions. She emphasized the importance of self-acceptance and celebrating individuality.
Love Spell, described by Graham as an erotica poetry series, delves into the unseen world of a woman's sensuality, sexuality, and independence. Through evocative and powerful verses, Graham illuminates the multifaceted nature of female experience, exploring themes of love, desire, and self-discovery. As she notes, those familiar with her performances know she doesn't shy away from exploring these topics with honesty and vulnerability.
"My book Love Spell just released on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!" Graham announced. For those interested in exploring her work, Love Spell is available in both paperback and e-book formats. You can also find it on Bookleaf at: https://www.store.bookleafpub.com/product-page/love-spell
Graham's appearance on "Let's Talk" highlights her commitment to fostering open and honest conversations about sexuality and self-love. Love Spell promises to be a compelling read for those seeking a poetic exploration of these important themes.