About Lisbet Newton

Lisbet Newton

About Lisbet

Lisbet Newton, Editor in Chief of Houston City Beat, is driven by a deep love for Houston and a dedication to the city’s stories and people. Though she wasn’t born in Houston, she’s a proud first-generation immigrant who arrived in the city with a determination to make a difference. She quickly found her place, embracing Houston’s energy and diversity, and building her life around connecting with the community and uplifting the voices within it.

Lisbet’s journey began in 2020 with a vision for a community platform that would both inform and celebrate Houston. Inspired by the name Houston City Beat, she initially launched it as a directory to spotlight local businesses and resources. Over time, she realized there was an even greater opportunity: to transform Houston City Beat into a trusted news source that tells authentic, meaningful stories about Houston’s neighborhoods, culture, and people.

That vision took a major leap forward when she met Mike Acosta, a fellow Houston enthusiast and creative force, who shared her dream of an independent media company. With Mike now serving as Executive Producer, Houston City Beat has expanded its mission, focusing on quality journalism that both informs and resonates with Houstonians.

With her unique perspective as a first-generation immigrant, Lisbet brings a personal understanding of resilience and adaptation to her work. Every article, feature, and story in Houston City Beat reflects her belief that Houston’s diverse voices deserve to be heard, celebrated, and represented.

Lisbet invites readers to connect with her on soical media and to follow the journey of Houston City Beat as it continues to grow and serve the Houston community with great stories and the latest news.

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